Roger Ver Interview: ‘Of Course’ I Hold More BCH Than BTC
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Roger Ver Interview: ‘Of Course’ I Hold More BCH Than BTC

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoinist batten with Bitcoin Cash apostle and buyer of Bitcoincom Roger Ver about the BCH assortment war his arguable website branding of Bitcoin BTC as Bitcoin Core and why he believes Bitcoin developers are economically illiterate

Bitcoinist: Bitcoin Cash aloof went thru a ‘hash war’ with Craig Wright/Ayre agreeable off to a new alternation alleged Bitcoin Cash SV. Can you allotment your reflections on the contempo adamantine fork?

Roger Ver: Craig and I don’t accept any disagreement. It seems aberrant that the media is aggravating to anatomy it that way.

What developments does Bitcoin Cash accept in the activity now? What are you best aflame about?

I’m best aflame about that will be ablution in abounding soon. It will aftereffect in censorship aggressive exchanges, sports action and abundant more. I’m additionally actual aflame about our Coin Shuffle aloofness apparatus advancing to the wallet actual soon.

Is Bitcoin Cash accessible to a Lightning Network blazon of ascent solution, sidechains etc. in the future?

I’ve never been against to any of those things. In fact, I’ve provided added allotment for both Lightning and Side Chains than aloof about anyone else. I’m alone against to the batty BTC block amplitude assembly allocation still actuality advocated for by a agglomeration of economically apprenticed software engineers who charge to aces up an economics book.

Given your business acceptance focus, how absorbed are merchants in accepting BCH appropriate now? Why? How abounding currently acquire BCH worldwide?

Obviously, they are actual absorbed as apparent by the actuality that Bitpay has provided abounding abutment for BCH on their platform. Added than 100,000 websites are currently accepting BCH, and acceptable added concrete shops are accepting BCH than BTC now.

Many Bitcoin proponents altercate that Satoshi’s anonymity and dematerialization accord it an advantage over added bill that accept accepted founders or de facto association leaders. Do you agree? In this sense, is Bitcoin Cash at a disadvantage back abounding would accede Roger Ver a leader of sorts accustomed your popularity?

I adios the premise. I didn’t alpha BCH, and I’m not the leader. I’m aloof one of abounding users although I may be louder than most.

You afresh declared that “Bitcoin Core believes that Bitcoin’s ambition is to become agenda gold. Bitcoin Cash believes that Bitcoin’s ambition is to become a all-around currency.“ But Satoshi wrote that Bitcoin is “more archetypal of a adored metal.” Why do you accent acceptance in business over SoV? Doesn’t this additionally run adverse to the change of money stages as a collectible->store of value->currency->unit of account?

I adios the change of money aeon that you accept laid out. Money is artlessly the best frequently accustomed bargain good.  The dollar is the world’s best accepted abundance of amount because you can absorb it anywhere. If Bitcoin had been accustomed to abide to be spendable anywhere, it could accept become the world’s best accepted abundance of value.

Instead, the economically apprenticed BTC affected accept carefully debilitated BTC’s account in business and accidentally debilitated its account as a abundance of value.

I laid it out in detail actual acutely in this video that has age-old actual well.

Your website Bitcoin dot com states: “Buy Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Core (BTC) with a acclaim card.” Critics say you are carefully mislabeling BTC as Bitcoin Core, the name of the Bitcoin software client, to get new users to buy BCH. There accept additionally been letters of bodies absent to buy BTC but afield affairs BCH instead. How do you respond?

BCH has added Bitcoin-ness about it than BTC, so it doesn’t accomplish faculty to alarm BTC Bitcoin. The website is labeled absolute clearly, and we accept never had a distinct address from an absolute chump authoritative a mistake.

BTC fees accept been at the everyman in years this year. Moreover, on October 16, a Bitcoin user confused 29,999 BTC account $194 actor with a $0.1 fee. Why do you state, based on your contempo tweets, that Bitcoin (BTC) has “full blocks” and “high fees”?

By advised architecture of the “Core Developers”, they appetite Bitcoin to accept aerial fees and abounding blocks. If the fees are currently low, again they are declining at what they accept set out to accomplish. Either way, they are incompetent.

BCH amount is currently at record-lows in USD and BTC agreement and bottomward over 96% from best highs. What’s the reason? Hash war? Lack of adoption? Overall bearish crypto market? A aggregate of factors?

Obviously, it is a aggregate of factors. The bazaar is fabricated up of millions of participants with their own needs, desires, and goals.

Do you authority added BCH than BTC?

Of course. BTC’s approaching is dim with the bearded bread-and-butter cipher actuality promoted.

What’s your BCH amount anticipation for 2024?

I don’t know, and neither does anyone else.

What are your thoughts on Roger Ver’s comments? Share them below!

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